Pregnant women are frequently subjected to uninformed remarks and inquiries during their pregnancies, which causes them to mistrust society. They ask intrusive questions and make whatever brutally honest remarks come to mind as if the filters between their head and tongue are broken.

People can ask a variety of questions from pregnant ladies and you should know what kind of questions she might not like. So, here we’ll give you some examples of what not to ask when talking to a pregnant lady.

01. “Oh my God, you are Big!”

Never utter these words to a pregnant woman.

Think about when you would ever say to someone, “Oh my God, you’re HUGE!” in everyday life. Perhaps if they are in bodybuilding training? Or a wrestler in sumo? However, you might probably be saying something very much along the lines of “you look so powerful”.

The inaccurate thing you can ever tell a pregnant woman is, “You’re HUGE!”.

Pregnancy weight growth is largely out of a pregnant woman’s control; she can exercise frequently, eat sensibly, and still put on a lot of weight. And she probably already feels overwhelmed enough without your hurtful remarks.

02. “You’re having a BIG kid, girl, or boy!”

You have no idea how big my fetus is now or how big or little my baby will be when it is delivered unless you are their doctor or even have x-ray vision. And yet another, marginally less unpleasant approach to refer to a pregnant woman as obese is with this phrase.

If you assumed you could determine the size of a baby depending on the size of a pregnant tummy, it would be akin to me informing you of the size of the intestinal movement you’re about to make. In addition to being impossible to determine with the unaided eye, this is also a concern that is not yours. So, try to make no comments on that.

03. “You’re about to pop/about to burst!”

You are looking chubby, that is just another way to put it. They think that they won’t blow up and as they are not balloons, but you need to mind your own business otherwise pregnant lady might not like it.

04. “Are you certain there’s only one inside?” You may also ask, “Are you certain you
aren’t carrying twins?”

Yes. Are you positive that you aren’t having twins? This can be the right way to ask. However, It is not your concern. If you want to suggest the ways she should eat to keep herself and her baby healthy, that’s great but avoid these questions.

05. “I has been so much considerably larger than you when I was pregnant!”

I find that fascinating! Explain further! I can’t wait to contrast myself with you! Should we take a tape measure out and truly try to figure out who is bigger than whom?

Different bodies acquire weight in different ways, and a woman has little control over how much of herself she chooses to display. Even without your vivid comparisons, she probably already feels uneasy about being bigger or smaller than she anticipated at this point.

06. “Enjoy __ while you can”

Well, isn’t that a downer of a statement? You’re giving off the impression that this woman won’t be able to handle having a child while still enjoying her life.

While this may be true for some, most people believe that having a baby improves their quality of life. they can keep doing the things they enjoy, and having a child makes those things even better.

07. “What is your birthing method?”

Do you expect her to say that my birth plan’s objective is to have this baby come out as naturally as possible while protecting my vagina from unnecessary damage?

Will I attempt a natural birth? Will I undergo a c-section? This is not your concern. Let the pregnant lady share her experience if she wants to. All you can do is listen to her instead of asking these questions.

08. “You should definitely give birth naturally”

Some things are decided by the doctor and the pregnant woman. If you want to advise her. You can suggest good health tips, fitness tips, and pros and cons of some habits. She would like it but don”t suggest how should she give birth.

09. “I had this extremely horrible experience when I had a baby,”

Share your positive experiences with pregnant women.

I hope that labor isn’t nearly as awful as everyone portrays it to be by adopting the “ignorance is bliss” philosophy. Stop doing it since you already know it is not helpful for her. Need any help? Diva Clinic is here to help all pregnant ladies who need suggestions related to their own health and the healthcare of their babies.