Published March 29, 2024

PCOS refers to the condition of the presence of multiple cysts in the ovaries, therefore this disorder is named Polycystic ovary syndrome. PCOS happens when female hormones lose their fair fixation in the body, and the proportion of all feminine chemicals gets imbalanced. The reproductive endocrine system of the female managing PCOS begins delivering androgen (male hormone) in a higher sum than ordinary. An expanded measure of androgen straightforwardly influences the ovary’s capability consequently impeding fertility. Side effects that are immediate towards the chance of PCOS are unpredictable periods, unusual development of facial and body hair like the male, and the presence of cysts in the ovaries. PCOS additionally bring about barrenness, insulin obstruction, misery, lack of sleep, and elevated cholesterol level subsequently coronary illness.

PCOS mostly occurs during the reproductive age, at least 1 in 10 women is affected by this disorder. Reports say that there is a huge population of woman which are suffering from PCOS though many of them remain undiagnosed.

Symptoms and detection

PCOS is a syndrome that arises due to a cluster of multiple disorders in the body, there are no certain symptoms but every patient has some common symptoms. Some women can also have hidden symptoms that are diagnosed during ultrasounds or blood tests. The list of possible symptoms is as follows:

● Irregular and unpredictable period cycle mostly longer than 35 days.
● The appearance of multiple follicles on ultrasound.
● Anovulation (no ovulation)
● Manlike hair growth as moustache or beard or even on the chest and around the nipples.
● Excessive hair loss
● Blood sugar level disturbance
● Weight gain especially on the belly part.
● Blood tests detect the high ratio of Luteinizing hormone (LH) and follicle-stimulating hormone
● Blood tests diagnose excessive levels of androgen such as testosterone.
● Depression, fatigue, anxiety, mood swings, sleep deprivation.

Natural methods to control PCOS

There is no definite cure to fight against PCOS, although certain changes in diet and lifestyle along with the involvement of naturally obtained substances can control the worsening effects of PCOS. Let’s discuss natural approaches helpful in managing PCOS.

Lose weight to reduce the impact

To control PCOS symptoms it is a key requirement to manage a healthy weight. Women with PCOS tend to put on weight, especially on the belly. Increased weight can give rise to metabolic syndrome as well as diabetes. PCOS makes it difficult to reduce weight although regular exercise can help to get rid of weight. Regular intake of healthy food and physical activity is helpful in weight management.

Reduce intake of sugar
PCOS can lead to insulin resistance therefore it is a primary requirement to take a break from sugar. Intake of too much sugar in the form of sweets, desserts, bakery products, soft drinks, etc can level up sugar amount in the blood. Every time you consume a sugary product, your body tends to become more insulin resistant, resulting in spiked blood sugar levels. Higher blood sugar level enhances acne production, and hair problems and even interrupt fertility.

You should not indulge in natural fruits or nuts as well, because ultimately, they break down into simple sugar. The accumulation of simple sugar can also function in the same way as processed sugar. You should have a smaller number of fruits at a time.

Supplement on omega- 3
Omega-3 supplements are associated with a long list of health treatments, they provide multiple health benefits. Fish oil tablets are the best-known omega-3 supplements. Such supplements are suitable for lowering the level of androgen in women dealing with PCOS. Lowered level of androgen in the female body can also resume the normal menstrual cycle.

Intake chromium
The human body requires some essential minerals for proper functioning, chromium is one of them. Chromium maintains the blood sugar level and thus plays a key role in insulin production and management. Daily intake of a certain dose of chromium is mandatory for diabetics as well as women with PCOS to regulate blood sugar levels.

Do not miss vitamin D and calcium
The deficiency of Vit D can contribute to the development of PCOS. An adequate amount of vitamin D along with calcium is mandatory to treat PCOS, it improves menstrual abnormalities and treats infertility.

Maintain magnesium amount
The deficiency of magnesium can lead to the risk of diabetes and insulin resistance which ultimately causes metabolic syndromes. Due to diabetes risk of stroke and coronary illness increases. Magnesium is mandatory to maintain fasting blood glucose.


PCOS is a serious disorder of the ovaries, it is a syndrome with multiple symptoms. Women dealing with PCOS show similar symptoms. This syndrome mostly shows impact during childbearing age. Androgen level increases and interferes with the fertility of a woman. PCOS has no certain cure but regular care and proper diet can maintain the worsening effect of it.