Low Testosterone in Women is a very common issue. Today, we are going to discuss its causes and treatments. Androgen is the term for the hormone testosterone. It’s frequently referred to as a “masculine” hormone. However, testosterone is also present in the bodies of women.

An unbalanced testosterone level, whether it be too high or too low, can have an impact on a woman’s general health. One of the roles testosterone plays in a woman’s body is the generation of new blood cells. It also increases libido and influences hormones that stimulate follicle growth and may have an impact on reproduction.

According to Victoria, Australia’s Department, testosterone production in women is frequently age-dependent. A woman’s androgen levels have fallen by half by the time she turns 40.

Doctors are still learning a lot regarding low testosterone in women and its possible causes and therapies.

What signs of low testosterone in women are there?

Among the signs of low testosterone in women are some of the following:

● altered sexual inclination
● sexual satisfaction was impacted
● depression Laziness
● muscular tremor


Women’s low testosterone symptoms are frequently either improperly or inadequately diagnosed. Low testosterone can be mistaken for several diseases and the side symptoms of menopause in women.

Doctors can check a woman’s testosterone levels using a blood test. Depending on the testing center, the results that indicate whether a woman has high or low testosterone levels can be different. In women 50 years of age and older, testosterone levels below 20 ng/dL are regarded as low.

Due to the daily fluctuations in hormone levels in women, doctors may have trouble identifying low testosterone levels in these patients. The ideal timing for a blood testosterone test for a woman who is still menstruating is 8 to 20 days following the start of her cycle.

Why do women have low testosterone levels?

There are multiple places in a woman’s body where testosterone is produced. These consist of the:

● ovaries
● adrenergic ganglia
● auxiliary tissues

Given that the ovaries play a significant role in producing testosterone. Historically, post- menopausal estrogen declines have been linked to libido declines. But more and more connections between diminished testosterone production and compromised libido are being found by experts.

Doctors hypothesize that some women with low testosterone may be genetically predisposed to have low levels of the chemicals DHEA and DHEAS. Additionally, it’s conceivable that certain females lack the enzymes required to transform DHEA and DHEA-S into testosterone.

Low testosterone in women may also result from the following factors:

● adrenal insufficiency, a condition in which the adrenal glands don’t function properly
● history of an ovary removal procedure called an oophorectomy
● hypopituitarism
● While estrogen can decrease the production of testosterone, taking oral estrogen medication
● premature menopause

What are the remedies for female low testosterone?

The majority of research on treatments for low testosterone in women has not been done by scientists. Doctors are aware of the risks of excess testosterone in women, but they may not be as familiar with the signs of too little testosterone. As a result, doctors’ treatment plans for conditions associated with low testosterone levels aren’t usually the same.

Post-menopausal women may be given Estratest by their doctors. This medication contains both testosterone and estrogen. The synthetic type of testosterone, however, may not be as successful in addressing low testosterone.

Additionally, doctors can inject patients with testosterone, and scientists are presently researching the effects of skin-implanted patches and pellets of testosterone. Compounding pharmacies may also sell testosterone gel formulations to some ladies. However, these gels are typically applied to males who have testosterone levels that are significantly greater on average than those of women.

Taking a DHEA dietary supplement is an over-the-counter option. The theory is that since DHEA is a precursor to testosterone, taking DHEA could enhance a person’s testosterone levels. It’s also possible for excessive testosterone in the human body to have negative effects.

Among the negative effects of excessive testosterone use in women are:
● Face hair
● Acne
● Retention of fluid Masculine physical traits, such as male pattern baldness and a deeper voice

To treat the signs of low testosterone in women, a doctor may suggest different treatments. These remedies and way-of-life adjustments may consist of:
Using sex therapy to reduce stress having a healthy diet, getting adequate sleep, and taking dehydroepiandrosterone (DHEA) supplements are all recommended.

The adrenal glands also create the steroid hormone DHEA. Additionally, supplements can be bought online. However, because DHEA supplementation has not yet been shown to be long- term safe and effective, the Endocrine Society advises against taking it regularly.


Androgens shouldn’t be taken by pregnant or potentially pregnant women. Taking testosterone- related drugs during nursing is also not advised because it may pass to the baby. Always with your physician before beginning any testosterone-related drugs or dietary supplements. Tests can be performed, and drug combinations with other medications you are taking can be looked for.