Have you wondered how much water should pregnant women drink? So, here’s the answer. Our body weight is mostly made up of water. About 60% of our bodies are made up of water. It is crucial to our survival because it removes pollutants from the body, controls body temperature, and aids in brain function.

The quantity of water you drink during pregnancy is equally important since it transports nutrients to the developing baby, aids in maintaining the amniotic fluid level, and reduces other pregnancy-related problems like constipation. Drinking lots of water while pregnant is crucial for the same reason. But what is the precise amount?

Why keeping yourself hydrated is important?

Water keeps all of your internal systems running smoothly and aids in the removal of waste from your body. Kidney excretion is expelled by pee after dissolving in water. Kidney, urinary tract infections, and bladder are less likely as a result.

Water helps to ease bowel movements by softening the stool, which is also true for solid waste. If you’re like many pregnant women, your body’s hormonal changes have undoubtedly caused you to feel some constipation. Continue drinking, and you’ll be less likely to experience hemorrhoids, another frequent pregnant illness.

Some useful tips on how to keep yourself hydrated

Reaching your recommended daily intake of water may require assistance on some days. This advice will help you continue to drink:

● Add taste. A lemon wedge, some mint, some berries, or some cucumber will flavor your water.
● Consider herbal teas. Make a large batch of your preferred tea to keep on hand. Just be careful to consult your doctor first before using the substances.
● Creating a smoothie. Smoothies are a fantastic method to increase your nutrient consumption. Fruit smoothies contain a lot of sugar, therefore it’s advisable to just consume them occasionally.
● Have a bottle handy. Having your own water bottle on hand makes keeping track of your water intake much simpler. Remember to take two sips whenever you reach for one.
● With a drink, begin your day. Making the habit of drinking water can be achieved by drinking water as soon as you wake up.
● Seasonal cuisine. Try to eat meals with a high water content since food naturally provides some of the fluid you consume. Make a soup in the winter. Choose luscious summer fruits like pineapple, watermelon, melon, and others.

Symptoms of dehydration

You become dehydrated when you lose greater fluids than you take in. Your body will give you a warning if it doesn’t have enough water to function normally. These are the warning indicators to watch out for:

Hunger and thirst: You may experience both hunger and thirst if you’re dehydrated.

Alterations in urine: The urine that has received enough hydration is a light yellow tint. Dark urine, meanwhile, is an indication of dehydration. You can feel like you’ve moved into the bathroom permanently if you’re pregnant and well-hydrated.

Headaches, vertigo, and exhaustion: It’s not surprising that you feel exhausted a lot of the time during pregnancy, especially in the first few months.

Continue drinking to preserve: the energy you do have because dehydration can result in both exhaustion and headaches.

Mental fog: Momnesia is the term used to describe the fuzzy thinking that accompanies pregnancy. Momenosia is a given, but you don’t want to exacerbate it by not drinking enough. Water is used to power your brain in part. Even a 2% dehydration affects your capacity to perform cognitive tasks.

Dry skin: Sometimes, pregnant bellies already itch. Stay hydrated to prevent dry skin from becoming another source of discomfort.

Varieties of water

Try a different type of water if you’re having trouble getting your 80 ounces of water each day. Here are some options to think about:

Tap water: You may normally drink directly from the taps without worrying because the majority of cities have their water supply tested to make sure it complies with safety standards. However, you should have your water tested just to be safe if you live in an older house and believe the pipes may be made of lead.

Mineral water: Although typically safe, mineral water shouldn’t be taken every day. Mineral water can also include a lot of sodium salts; too much of it might cause edema.

Water with flavor: Positive: Flavored water is preferable to soda. The drawback: Sweeteners like sugar or other substances are frequently found in flavored water.

Pregnant women are advised by the Institute of Medicine to consume ten 8-ounce glasses of water per day. While you are breastfeeding, you need to swallow thirteen 8-ounce cups daily.

Most people are familiar with the 88 rule, which suggests consuming eight glasses of water that are each eight ounces in size. However, your body needs more fluids during pregnancy in order to produce more amniotic fluid and blood.


It may seem like a lot of water, and it is—80 ounces of it! However, if you vary the type of water you consume, there will be enough diversity to keep things interesting. Throughout your pregnancy, keep drinking to stay comfortable, hydrated, and healthy for both you and your unborn child.