While the study is yet in its initial phases, some analysis indicates that minor changes in the daily diet can reduce menstrual symptoms.

Over-the-counter (OTC) pills can assist in controlling period symptoms, especially bloating, severe pain, and cramps in some cases. However, a woman may want to make additional efforts to alleviate symptoms and assist her overall health during menses.

This article talks about some foods that women should consume during their menstrual period to avoid pain and bloating.

Why do period cramps occur?

When you are menstruating, it is normal to experience pain in your stomach region, lower back, and thighs.

During your menstrual time, the muscles of your uterus compressed and relaxed aid in removing the accumulated lining. Some women may also encounter:

● nausea
● vomiting
● severe headaches
● diarrhoea

Doctors worldwide are baffled why some menstruating women encounter severe symptoms while others do not. Some of the elements linked with more intense discomfort during periods are as follows:

● Undergoing a heavy menstrual flow.
● You have your first child before 20 and right after menstruation.
● Having a sensitivity to prostaglandins, this is a type of biomolecule that affects the

Foods that can help with period pain

Some data indicate that certain foods may assist in relieving specific menstrual symptoms. According to the doctors and health care experts worldwide, approximately 90 per cent of women encounter premenstrual symptoms like:

● Period cramps or dysmenorrhea
● Fatigue
● Intense pain in the lower back
● Severe mood swings
● Intense headaches
● Bloating
● Constipation
● Diarrhoea
● Breast sensitivity
● Acne and breakouts on the skin

Some foods which can help you to relieve period pain have been mentioned below.

  1. Bananas
    Bananas are widely available and have been shown to alleviate period cramps. With its high fibre capabilities, it provides great help in regular movements of bowel. Consequently, you may feel less outsized and have less pain in general. Bananas also have high magnesium properties, due to which decrease the pain of period cramps.
  2. Broccoli
    Broccoli is the best food for menstrual pain and cramps. The presence of fibre and iron content in broccoli is helpful in dealing with menstrual cramps. These nutrients are helpful in lowering menstrual pain, especially lower abdomen pain.
  3. Kale
    Kale is one of the many powerful foods that can help with cramps. Kale, like broccoli and other greens, is the best food for period spasms because it is high in calcium and magnesium. A calcium deficiency can exacerbate muscle cramps and compressions.
  4. Lentils and beans
    Protein is vital for health, and it may benefit curb longing for less healthful alternatives during menstruation. Zinc is also found in legumes.
  5. Dark chocolate
    Dark chocolate is delicious and nutritious and is an excellent source of iron and magnesium. Iron deficiency can be corrected by eating an appropriate amount of iron. Period results in iron levels dropping as a person lose blood, and in people who have heavy periods, this can lead to anaemia. People with heavy periods or menorrhagia lose relatively additional iron per period cycle than regular menstrual bleeding.
  6. Lemons
    Lemons encompass plenty of vitamins, particularly vitamin C. Vitamin C aids in the absorption of iron from food into the bloodstream and tissues. Because you may be losing surplus blood that your body can bear up with during your menstruation, having some extra vitamin C boost iron absorption may be beneficial. Lemons are also high in fibre, making them an excellent food for avoiding muscle cramps.
  7. Watermelon
    Watermelon is refreshing and sweet. You can easily blend it in a blender to make a delicious smoothie. Furthermore, it is primarily composed of water. Watermelon hydrates your body quickly and introduces minor quantities of biological sugars into your bloodstream, which may help with cramping.
  8. Oranges
    Oranges have great potential to deal with menstrual spasms. As oranges have many nutrients like vitamin c, magnesium, vitamin d and potassium. In fact, oranges contain nearly as several of these nutrients as milk. A couple of oranges per day may assist in relieving menstrual spasms and pain.

Which food to avoid during periods?

Some foods are helpful in menstrual cramps and other symptoms, while others can make it worst.

Women should avoid the following mentioned foods during their menstrual cycle:
● Foods that have been highly refined, which is also known as ultra-processed eats.
● Foods that are incredibly high in sugar.
● Goods which are baked in white flour, for example, white bread and pasta.
● Any type of food or diet that cause gas in your stomach, for example, cauliflower or Brussels sprouts.

However, reducing sodium intake provides great help, when you are experiencing menstrual bloating and weight gain. According to a research study in 2019, an increase in consumption of sodium may increase the chances of bloating and weight gain.

It is crucial to report, though, that this research looked at bloating in common, not bloating caused by the menstrual cycle. According to the American Heart Association, it is found that daily intake of sodium should not increase by more than 1,500 milligrams.

Does any food decrease the period length?

After an investigation on this, it is found that eating certain nutrients is helpful in shortening the period length. Vitamin B6 is one such example. According to a study conducted in 1983, this vitamin decreases the level of oestrogen hormone while increasing progesterone hormone, thereby stabilising menstrual hormones. This could feasibly shorten the period and alleviate PMS signs.

Vitamin B6 is present in many foods. Fish, meat from organs of different animals, potatoes, and starchy vegetables are among the wealthiest sources of Vitamin B6. Although different, myrtle fruit syrup can also prove to be beneficial. An investigation conducted in the year 2014 on 30 partakers discovered that day-to-day doses of syrup reduced the number of bleeding days while also helping in lowering pain.

When to consult your doctor or healthcare expert

It is essential to understand that most of the symptoms linked with the menstrual cycle are common. Most women experience them, but the level of discomfort and pain varies from woman to woman. But a woman should consult a gynaecologist or healthcare expert if she experiences it.

● Vagina bleeding after sexual intercourse.
● Irregularity in periods.
● Bleeding or spotting between menstrual cycles.
● Bleeding after reaching the age of menopause.
● Heavy bleeding.
● Menstrual bleeding for more than seven days.
● Heavy menstrual cramps and pain which does not even go away with OTC pain relievers.


Some simple changes in diet may assist some women in relieving menstrual symptoms, cramps, and pain or staying healthy during their period. When someone is losing blood from the body, consuming iron-rich foods can assist in replenishing iron stores. Additional minerals, such as magnesium and zinc, may aid in symptom relief.

Women who have short or unstable periods should talk with their gynaecologist or health care expert because they may have an underlying ailment that would benefit from the medical remedies.

How we can help you?

We at Diva Clinic encourage every woman to keep track record of their periods and please don’t hesitate to take gynaecologist help. You can consult our Dr Shalini Vijay- the best gynaecologist in Pune. with the help of the above article, you have understood when to consult with a gynaecologist.

If you have started puberty or if you are bleeding heavily, facing irregular periods spotting between periods, having irregular cycles, facing pain at times besides your period, or finding pregnancy difficult, you must visit a gynaecologist. If you are facing any symptoms then, it is advisable to consult with gynaecologist.and get checkups done regularly.