Pregnancy is an exciting time filled with anticipation and joy, but it can also bring about various physical changes, some of which may cause discomfort. One common issue that many expectant mothers experience is bellybutton pain. While it can be unsettling, understanding the reasons behind this discomfort can help ease any concerns. Here are some of the most common reasons why you might experience bellybutton pain during pregnancy.

1. Growing Uterus

As your pregnancy progresses, your uterus expands to accommodate your growing baby. This expansion can cause your abdomen to stretch and put pressure on the surrounding muscles and skin, including the area around your bellybutton. This stretching can lead to discomfort or pain, especially as you enter the later stages of pregnancy.

2. Umbilical Hernia

An umbilical hernia occurs when part of the intestine protrudes through the abdominal wall near the bellybutton. Pregnant women are at an increased risk of developing this condition due to the pressure exerted by the growing uterus. If you notice a bulge near your bellybutton accompanied by pain, it’s important to consult your healthcare provider for proper diagnosis and treatment.

3. Skin Sensitivity and Stretching

The skin around your bellybutton can become increasingly sensitive during pregnancy, especially as it stretches to accommodate your growing baby. This can lead to irritation, itching, and sometimes pain. Moisturizing your skin and wearing loose, comfortable clothing can help reduce this discomfort.

4. Bellybutton Position Changes

During pregnancy, your bellybutton may change position, often becoming more prominent or even “popping out” as your abdomen expands. This change can cause tenderness or a pulling sensation, particularly if your bellybutton was previously inverted. This is usually a temporary change, and the discomfort should subside after delivery.

5. Round Ligament Pain

The round ligaments are bands of tissue that support the uterus. As your uterus grows, these ligaments stretch and can cause sharp, shooting pains in the lower abdomen or around the bellybutton. This type of pain is common and typically occurs during the second trimester. It can be triggered by sudden movements, such as standing up quickly or coughing.

6. Infection

Although less common, an infection in the bellybutton area can cause pain, redness, swelling, and sometimes discharge. If you suspect an infection, it’s essential to seek medical attention promptly to prevent complications.

7. Baby’s Movements

As your baby grows and becomes more active, their movements can sometimes cause discomfort, especially if they press against your bellybutton from the inside. While this is usually harmless, it can be uncomfortable at times.

Managing Bellybutton Pain During Pregnancy

While bellybutton pain is often a normal part of pregnancy, there are steps you can take to alleviate the discomfort:

  • Wear a Supportive Maternity Belt: A maternity belt can help support your growing belly and reduce the strain on your abdomen, potentially easing bellybutton pain.
  • Stay Hydrated: Keeping your skin hydrated can help reduce irritation and sensitivity.
  • Practice Good Posture: Standing and sitting with proper posture can help alleviate pressure on your abdomen and reduce discomfort.
  • Consult Your Healthcare Provider: If your pain is severe, persistent, or accompanied by other symptoms such as fever or unusual discharge, it’s important to consult your healthcare provider to rule out any underlying conditions.

When to Seek Medical Attention

While bellybutton pain is often a normal part of pregnancy, certain symptoms may indicate a more serious issue. Seek medical attention if you experience:

  • Severe or persistent pain that doesn’t improve with rest or home remedies.
  • A noticeable bulge near your bellybutton, which could indicate an umbilical hernia.
  • Signs of infection, such as redness, swelling, or discharge.
  • Any other concerning symptoms, such as fever or nausea.


Bellybutton pain during pregnancy is a common complaint that can result from various factors, including the natural changes your body undergoes as your baby grows. While it’s often harmless, understanding the potential causes and knowing when to seek medical attention can help you manage your symptoms and enjoy a more comfortable pregnancy. Always consult your healthcare provider if you have any concerns about your health or the health of your baby during this exciting time.
