Published March 29, 2024

today, a large number of women are struggling with PCOS and weight gain. There are several reasons to increase the weight in women such as unhealthy lifestyle, heredity, and digestion disorder but there is another least talked about reason causing female obesity is PCOS (Polycystic Ovary Syndrome). If the female dealing with PCOS visits a gynaecologist, a major part of the discussion revolves around irregular menstrual periods or reproductive health, and the problem of weight gain due to the syndrome is given the least attention. Weight gain is a certain side effect of PCOS. A female dealing with this disease should be aware of the upcoming impact on her health. Let’s start a discussion on this common issue with the knowledge of PCOS.

Symptoms and detection of PCOS in females

PCOS occurs when female hormones lose the balanced concentration in the body, and the ratio of all female hormones gets imbalanced. The reproductive endocrine system of the female dealing with PCOS starts producing androgen (male hormone) in a higher amount than normal. An increased amount of androgen directly impacts ovaries’ function thus interfering with fertility. Symptoms that direct towards the possibility of PCOS are: irregular periods, abnormal growth of facial and body hair similar to the male, and the presence of cysts in the ovaries. PCOS also result in infertility, insulin resistance, depression, sleep deprivation, and high cholesterol level thus heart disease.

How PCOS and weight gain are connected?

PCOS interrupts the activity of the insulin hormone in the body. Insulin hormone is the key regulator of sugar levels in the blood, insulin remains involve in the metabolism of carbohydrates in the body and their conversion into energy. The barred activity of insulin in the body is termed insulin resistance. this results in the formation of glucose in the blood, which triggers the diabetes condition. In response to this body starts producing more insulin to reduce blood sugar levels, and the continuous rise of hormones results in the onset of type 2 diabetes. A high level of insulin triggers androgen production which in turn causes weight gain.

What are the risks attached to weight gain in females with PCOS?

Insulin resistance and weight gain are collectively found in females with PCOS. These females become prone to other health problems associated with lower insulin activity and obesity. Such as heart disease, increased cholesterol level, high blood pressure, insomnia, uterine, menstrual abnormality, endometrial cancer, etc.

PCOS and genetics:
Researches and studies suggest that it is not mandatory but PCOS can have a genetic link between first- degree female relatives ie; mothers and sisters. If any female is dealing with insulin intolerance or diabetes there is a high chance that this condition is contributed by her mother. In very rare cases PCOS can be passed on to the next generation through the father, depending upon the dominance of the androgen hormone.

How to minimize the impact of PCOS?

Hopelessly, there is no certain cure to overcome PCOS. Some daily life changes can help to reduce the effect of PCOS. Let’s discuss them:

Cut down the weight- Body fat is home to several diseases so the first thing to stay healthy is to reduce the weight. Lowering the weight by 10% can help to relieve several symptoms of PCOS such as low body weight can get the menstrual cycle back to normal. Making a balanced diet with regular exercise is one of the effective ways to reduce the effect of PCOS.

Infertility treatment- Functionality of ovaries reduces due to PCOS which can cause infertility. Visit a good doctor and take treatment to overcome infertility difficulties. A doctor might prescribe several medications or hormonal therapy. A female with a large number of cysts can show no response to medications in such cases laparoscopy is performed doctor to enhance ovarian activity.

Keep insulin track- To regulate the effect of PCOS, controlling insulin activity is a requirement. Visit a specialist at a regular time. The doctor may prescribe certain medicines to control diabetes hence protecting the insulin activity.

Hormonal balance- The female who does not want to get pregnant while she is dealing with PCOS she can take contraceptive pills to maintain the female hormone level in the body. Medicines to regulate menstrual periods are also prescribed by the physician to maintain female hormonal levels. Anti-androgen medications are also given to the patient to block the impacts of male hormones.

Other than the medication, achieving a healthy lifestyle are also very helpful in
controlling weight. Look down for the suggestions:

● Practice mindful eating. Do not overeat or undereat in the greed of reducing weight. Lower calorie intake for a long while can impact the metabolism and slow it down. Cutting down the calorie intake is a temporary solution as long deprivation of calories can harm the hormones responsible for appetite. Include high-fibre and low-sugar components in your diet. Drink plenty of water and depend upon fruits, veggies, fibres, and whole grains for diet sources. Divide your large meal into 4 or 5 short meals thus your blood sugar level will be in control.

● Keep a check on your blood pressure. Maintain a stress-free life to keep blood pressure normal. Help your body to create an undisturbed biological cycle of sleep. Give your body a required amount of rest, and sleep on time for at least 7 hours.

● Practice yoga and exercise every day at least for 40 minutes because fat reduction is necessary to reduce the effect of PCOS.

● Quit caffeine, nicotine, cigarettes, canned and processed food, alcohol, and other harmful substances with immediate effect.


PCOS is a major disorder in women associated with the ovaries. PCOS can cause obesity in the suffering woman. This syndrome occurs due to imbalanced female hormones and increased male hormone levels. Androgen male hormone can interrupt the normal function of the female body and result in insulin resistance ultimately causing increased weight as the sugar starts accumulating in the blood. Weight problems arising due to PCOS can be overcome with several practices such as a balanced diet, exercise, maintaining a healthy lifestyle (no alcohol, no cigarettes) and keeping your blood pressure maintained.

When PCOS makes losing weight hard, it can be discouraging. Make a visit with your gynaecologist if you have any issues or questions. still confused, what to do? don’t worry Diva clinic can help you. make an appointment with Dr Shalini Vijay- and get the best gynaecologist service in Pune.